Entries to Generative AI: Unleashing the Power of Open Data

Catalogue | Table

We have made a twin map and chatbot application that is able to track weather events in real time, and help assist users in being able to craft protection plans for themselves, as well as customised protection plans for precious heritage sights during extreme weather events. We utilise the text g...

Go to Project | O.R.G.

NoFret - Freight Management

![NoFret Cover](https://hill-college.github.io/GovHack2023/cover.png) We aim to analyze and measure freight performances across Albany, and measure CO2 production levels. Our website should give people an insight to the freight they are using to transport their goods, CO2 emission levels, and ...

Go to Project | GSG Hackers 3.0

IncluVisit SA

* Promotion of SA tourism through advocation of accessibility practices. * Using Geospacial data to calculate difference in elevation. Using it to difirintiate accessibility of tourist destinations. * Using text, and numerical data to difirintiate accessibility of tourist destinations. * Cont...

Go to Project | SPARK

Heaps Good!

https://github.com/jessearcana/govhack2023/blob/main/README.md # Problem Statement "What makes a great holiday?" is personal. Everyone has their own blend of unwinding and exploring. In South Australia, we understand that not everyone wants the same experience. Maybe the standard tourist pack...

Go to Project | Ping Pong

Every Way We Save

# 1. Our Idea In the last 48 hours, our team has built a smart analytic data-driven platform to allow users to connect to personal accounts such as myki, Everyday Rewards or Flybus, online food delivery services, etc. such that the platform can collect users' behavior, consumption pattern and li...

Go to Project | EWWE


![CyberGuardian Image 2](https://github.com/ChrisPVella/GovHack2023-CyberGuardian.io/blob/main/images/CyberGuardianImage1.jpg?raw=true) [Project Description](https://github.com/ChrisPVella/GovHack2023-CyberGuardian.io/blob/main/project.md) ![CyberGuardian Image 2](https://github.com/ChrisPV...

Go to Project | Chronos2

Project 2395

Indigenous Storyteller is a unique project that taps into the power of Open Data and Generative AI to create informative, engaging, and immersive stories based on indigenous cultures. Focusing on Australian indigenous languages, the project uses an open-source dataset provided by the Queensland g...

Go to Project | Indigenous-AI

AutoDoc - Generative AI Document Sorting and Searching

## AutoDoc Have you or your team ever had to go through 100s of documents, to index them, manually adding tags and dating them? This is now a problem of the past with AutoDoc, a platform for you to interact with your data in a whole new way, using OCR to read your documents, and OpenAIs GPT, w...

Go to Project | Team Alone(?) (I am alone) (Creative Name!)

Bloom: Grow Together

Our project Bloom: Grow Together is a generative AI system focusing on addressing loneliness in elderly Australians. It takes the interests of the customers and recommends appropriate community events and activities.

Go to Project | The Late Late Comers

Project SmartHealth

# Project SmartHealth ## Problem statement A significant challenge arises from high death rates attributed to diseases, accounting for more than 50,000 deaths in 2021 ([Data Link](https://data.gov.au/dataset/ds-act-https%3A%2F%2Fwww.data.act.gov.au%2Fapi%2Fviews%2Fizm5-6use/details?q=death%20re...

Go to Project | GenA


ServiSync – Sync, Swap, Serve. Your ultimate vehicle management partner!

Go to Project | The Odometer Operators

[Solo Traveller]

# About Solo Traveller Solo traveler is an application that helps people discover the heritage of the land in which they walk. Drawing from rich sources of public data such as Trove, PROV and NSW archives, people can uncover new insights of the city they find themselves in. Through our app the...

Go to Project | [Team Solo]

PROV Community Rewards App

A PROV App that incentives users to document historical archives with an AI assistant. Collecting PROV points allows a user to purchase a framed copy of an archived image as a reward for contributing.

Go to Project | Department of Spice

Secure*Mind Hub

<img src="https://i.ibb.co/KF599X9/smhubjk.png" alt="securemindhub"> Secure Mind HUB: What is it all about? As we continue to evolve alongside AI, we often underestimate its capabilities. The presence of large language models and the emergence of unethical behavior patterns have become fertile...

Go to Project | Oz-TechTrailblazers

influenzAI: Using AI to provide convenient, private, trustworthy access to Long COVID & Influenza information from open, reputable government data.

# influenzAI *A revolutionary clinical decision support tool leveraging generative AI to provide on-demand evidence-based insights and recommendations to clinicians regarding long COVID and influenza, utilising its curated healthcare knowledge repository of health care data.* <p align="cent...

Go to Project | G2

Untold Story

![Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/NKfonzF.png) ### Problem Statement: ###The untold personal stories of alcohol addiction in Australia lead to gaps in data, hindering a complete approach to tackle the problem. The alcohol culture in Australia is deeply embedded, and the shame and judgment associa...

Go to Project | Eclectic Sheep Society

Australia's Shift to H2 Freight

["Australia's Shift to H2 Freight"](https://freight-analysis-dashboard.streamlit.app/) presents an interactive visualisation of Australia's freight networks, through the lens of a transition to hydrogen fuels. It uses NFDH data sets, including Freight Vehicle Congestion and National Key Freight R...

Go to Project | Hydra

Tracking Flying Foxes

Our Team Name is “Delta Force”. Our Project “Tracking Flying Foxes” through photo identification. Our Goals are to: Build a predictive model showing the current and historical Roost data extrapolated into the future. Expand and enhance the pre-existing data set to better answer th...

Go to Project | Delta Force


# Team Chronos - CivicQuest - GovHack2023 <table> <tr> <th>Project</th> <th>Details</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Team </td> <td>Team Chronos</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Project</td> <td>CivicQuest</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Hackerspace</td> <td>https://hack...

Go to Project | Chronos


# Problem We wish to help NSW Heritage, NSW Citizens and Future Generations. We started with the following challenges: - Even though heritage surrounds us, they're often hidden from our awareness. Citizens have stories of heritage that aren't shared or public. - Our citizens and communitie...

Go to Project | Visual Lies (HeriTours)


When dealing with green resources, a large majority of the population are blind to the average daily usage. Many households around Australia waste power and water on a daily basis. Gaia, an interactive phone app, allows the average person to not only record and monitor their daily resource expend...

Go to Project | Gaia

The Blue Line

# Project Description "The Blue Line" is a community project aimed at communicating the urgent need to address climate change and encouraging actionable steps to reduce carbon emissions. Through a combination of visual insertions into everyday environments and child-driven call to actions, we in...

Go to Project | Launceston Steminists


# ArchiVision - AI Extended Metadata + AI Assistive Technology for Archive Images ## Demo https://bit.ly/archivision ## Problem Definition Government image archives, like those in ACT Memory and the Public Record Office of Victoria, currently face challenges related to searchability, acc...

Go to Project | Banico Family


Revitalise. Reimagine. ReVix. The Public Record of Victoria (PROV) houses images of immense historical values. However, they are heavily underutilised. While digitisation of these historic photographs is a great step forward, we, reVix, aims to bring these images to the public consciousness of...

Go to Project | reVix

Invasive Species Detection Application

Invasive species are often introduced to the area and cause significant damage to our native wildlife and plants. They can also cause ecological and health problems as well. It is estimated that invasive species cost Australia a total of $24 billion year in impact and damages. Currently, the m...

Go to Project | The Invasives


The Archaiv project uses AI to easily catalogue images and documents to make archives accessible. Supported by a rigorous quality assurance process to manage biases and ethics. **Problem definition:**  Digital archives have traditionally required tagging so users can search accurately. How ...

Go to Project | Picture Perfect

Open Government Data - Secured Private GPT

Deliver best in class data regulation and curation, data governance, and privacy and security by connecting a downloadable and customisable open source GPT model, and use open government data to train the AI. Most people and organisations nowadays use openly available GPT models and feed the A...

Go to Project | Vitt and Toby


A dedicated healthcare chatbot trained using the Health Direct website.

Go to Project | TOMPETTY

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