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Project Info

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Team Name


Team Members

Nick Dyson , Georgia and 3 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Our idea is to create a platform that will assist women move from lower paid industries (such as office administration) to higher paid industries (such as cyber security) and to make the transition easier and more accessible.

Data Story

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

Building a Skilled Cyber Security Workforce in Five Countries

Description of Use Background reading on building skilled cyber security workforce.

Data Set

Cyber skills shortage ‘to hit 30,000 in four years’

Description of Use Background reading on cyber skills shortage

Data Set

NCVER - Total VET students and courses by completion across 2018 to 2022 by male and female CYBER courses

Description of Use To understand course completion in VET, particularly cyber security courses.

Data Set

Graduate Outcomes Survey

Description of Use Background reading on graduate outcomes.

Data Set

Age and the gender pay gap

Description of Use To further understand the gender pay gap over various age groups.

Data Set

SCP - Chapter 3 - The challenge: Australia needs to fill the workforce gap, remove startup barriers and strengthen research and development

Description of Use To understand the cyber security workforce gaps

Data Set

2022 Skills Priority List

Description of Use To understand the current Australian skills priorities, particularly in cyber security.

Data Set

Tax & superannuation

Description of Use Current superannuation rates.

Data Set

ABS gender indicators

Description of Use To understand gender pay gap and superannuation gap.

Data Set

Occupation profile - 1351 IT manager

Description of Use To further understand profile of people holding IT manager occupation

Data Set

Occupation profile - 2621 Database or systems administrator, or IT security specialist

Description of Use To further understand profile of people holding Database or systems administrator, or IT security specialist occupation

Data Set

Occupation profile - 5311 Administration assistant or office worker

Description of Use To further understand profile of people doing administration assistant or office worker occupation

Data Set

ANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations

Description of Use To further understand standard occupation classifications used in ATO data.

Data Set

Taxation Statistics 2020-21 – Individuals Table 23: Superannuation contributions, by age range, sex and taxable income range, 2020–21 financial year

Description of Use To determine average super contributions and balances across age ranges and genders.

Data Set

Taxation Statistics 2020-21 – Individuals Table 14: Selected items, by occupation, sex and taxable income range, 2010–11 to 2020–21 income years

Description of Use To identify top 10 industries women are employed in (in 2020-21 and over time) plus average salaries over relevant occupations.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Helping women succeed financially

How can financial outcomes for women be improved through increasing diversity and inclusion across industries?

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.

Exploring National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) Vet Data

What skills, training and qualifications do Australians already have that can support the transition from a fossil fuels-based to a clean energy-based economy? What are the gaps in skills, training and qualifications that may delay this transition, with a particular focus on the Gippsland (Vic), Hunter Valley (NSW), Central Queensland (Qld) and Collie (WA) regions?

Go to Challenge | 3 teams have entered this challenge.

Exploring relationships between industry and population in regional Australia

Regional liveability is influenced by the diversity and stability of local industry. People need employment to stay and be attracted to move to regional Australia. Businesses and industry adjust with market interest but how does this affect the local population – do they adjust too?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.