Helping women succeed financially banner image

Helping women succeed financially

Jurisdiction: Australia

How can financial outcomes for women be improved through increasing diversity and inclusion across industries?

Making it easier to identify which industries women are predominantly employed in and understanding how this compares to their financial outcomes (income sources and amounts, and superannuation) across time and geographical locations can highlight where to target programs to improve their participation in higher paid industries and their financial well-being.

Additional Information

Relevant links:

  1. Occupation transition 2010-11 to 2020-21 income years
  2. Taxation Statistics 2020-21 – Individuals Table 1: Selected items, for income years 1978–79 to 2020–21
  3. Taxation Statistics 2020-21 – Individuals Table 3: Selected items, by sex, taxable status, age range and taxable income range, 2010–11 to 2020–21 income years
  4. Taxation Statistics 2020-21 – Individuals Table 4: Selected items, by sex, taxable status, state/territory and taxable income range, 2020–21 income year
  5. Taxation Statistics 2020-21 – Individuals Table 5: Selected items, by sex, state/territory and broad industry, 2020–21 income year
  6. Taxation Statistics 2020-21 – Individuals Table 14: Selected items, by occupation, sex and taxable income range, 2010–11 to 2020–21 income years
  7. Taxation Statistics 2020-21 – Individuals Table 17: Selected items for individuals in business, by sex, state or territory, age range, and taxable income range, 2020–21 income year
  8. Taxation Statistics 2020-21 – Individuals Table 23: Superannuation contributions, by age range, sex and taxable income range, 2020–21 financial year
  9. Taxation Statistics 2020-21 – Individuals Table 24: Superannuation contributions, by state/territory, sex and age range, 2020–21 financial year

Image credit: Australian Taxation Office.

Eligibility: Must use at least one ATO data set.

Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.

Dataset Highlight - Taxation Statistics 2020-21

Go to Dataset - Occupation transition 2010-11 to 2020-21 income years

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