Exploring relationships between industry and population in regional Australia
Jurisdiction: Australia
Regional liveability is influenced by the diversity and stability of local industry. People need employment to stay and be attracted to move to regional Australia. Businesses and industry adjust with market interest but how does this affect the local population – do they adjust too?
Counts of actively trading businesses, rates of entry to and exit from the market sector of the economy, and rates of business survival can help us understand employment opportunities and trends in Regional Australia. It can also help us intervene with regional policy to counteract negative impacts.
This challenge seeks to explore the relationship between industry and population in regional Australia. Key questions are:
• How many businesses have closed in regional areas and their industry type?
• How does the type of business affect local populations?
• Is there a trend among types of businesses?
How has local industry affected its community in regional Australia over time?
Additional Information
Image credit: Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.
Eligibility: Must use at least one Regional Data Hub dataset.
Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.
Dataset Highlight
Regional Data Hub - Small Area Labour Markets (SALM)
ABS - Census data
ABS - Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits