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Team Name:

Elly and Lilli

Team Members:

Evidence of Work

It’s Bin Long Enough.

Project Info

Elly and Lilli thumbnail

Team Name

Elly and Lilli

Team Members

2 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Starting July all general consumables for sale need to have a scannable barcode in relation to our App “Global Disposal Proposal”. The app connects with marketers, producers, buyers and manufacturers to clearly inform users on the correct way to dispose of packaging.

Data Story

We used 11 data sets across a wide range of categories all relating to waste and recycling. These data sets help statistical information become easily accessed via our app; different location, prices, and times also become available through our app; and different types of waste and rubbish information is all linked through it as well.

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

Waste Collection Days

Description of Use A functional data set to inform users on collection days via the app

Data Set

Waste Levy Rates

Description of Use A functional data set used to inform users via the app.

Data Set

Waste Management

Description of Use A functional data set for App’s running and practical purposes, accessible inside app to users.

Data Set

Recycling Collection Areas

Description of Use A functional data set for App’s running and practical purposes, accessible inside app to users.

Data Set

Zero Waste SA Recycle Right search engine

Description of Use A functional data set for App’s running and practical purposes, accessible inside app to users.

Data Set

Waste - Recyling - Green Waste - Collection Dates

Description of Use Functional data set for App use and practical info

Data Set

Salamander Bay Waste Depot landfill environmental management plan

Description of Use SEED- Sharing and Enabling Environmental Data. Example Data, foundational and statistical data

Data Set

Proposed regional waste depot Londonderry : environmental impact statement

Description of Use SEED- Sharing and Enabling Environmental Data; foundation information for App as well as statistical data

Data Set

CSIRO Australia Coastal Sealevel Simulations

Description of Use Supporting data that helps explain why we need our App

Data Set

Ballarat Council Managed Landfill Waste

Description of Use To aid the information on which the App is built and providing location relevant information on previous waste management

Data Set

Trash Pickup

Description of Use Adding this to the collection of data behind the app and informing users on appropriate rubbish disposal locations

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Increased participation in Plastic Free July

People are increasingly aware of the problems with plastics and want to ‘do their bit’ but how do we increase engagement in Plastic Free July? Using data and IT-based solutions, how can we increase both geographical update and reach a wider demographic (particularly more men)?

Go to Challenge | 18 teams have entered this challenge.

Australia@Sea: what is our future relationship with the ocean environment?

Our oceans are vital to the world’s economy and provide services for all Australians including food security, industries, tourism, and well-being.

Go to Challenge | 17 teams have entered this challenge.

Thrive or survive: how can we adapt for the future?

What will Australia in 2050 look like?

Go to Challenge | 38 teams have entered this challenge.


How can we protect and preserve our water resources?

Go to Challenge | 22 teams have entered this challenge.

Investing in Regions

How might the Government prioritise its investment in regional South Australia for greatest regional development benefit?

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.

🌟 Creating a clean city

Our residents and businesses produce, consume, and dispose of waste every day. Many residents are unaware of what happens to their waste once it enters a bin or simply don't care. How might we use data to empower and educate our community about their waste?

Go to Challenge | 12 teams have entered this challenge.

🌟 The three C’s of innovation – combination, collaboration, and chance.

How can we combine and use environmental data to gain new insights into New South Wales and tell a story of our diverse landscape?

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.

🌟 Climate Change Issues in Hobart

What local climate change issues can you help solve or identify by integrating data sources?

Go to Challenge | 12 teams have entered this challenge.

Showcasing our regions

How might we promote South Australian regions to boost regional development?

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.