Optimise energy and water resource planning
Optimise energy and water resource planning
Go to Challenge | 32 teams have entered this challenge.
War On Water Waste is a game that simulates Brisbane city from 2000 to 2050. The user plays the role of town management, and tries to make Brisbane the best city that they possibly can. While certain features are still under development, the basic theme of saving water has been implemented - this could be used to teach school children about how to save water and protect the environment, as well as the challenges that governments face in managing a town's water resources.
The game is supposed to utilize data from the BOM and possibly other sources such as the CSIRO, etc... to provide a realistic simulation of what Brisbane has and will face during the simulated period. For example, rainfall data could be used to provide realistic rainfall data to the app so that the simulation can be an accurate reflection of what Brisbane has experienced. Furthermore, data extrapolation can be performed to extend the data into future years to provide rainfall data for years beyond 2019.
Description of Use Use of realistic weather data to simulate Brisbane city's development. Possible extrapolation of data to predict rainfall, etc... for future years until 2050.
Go to Challenge | 32 teams have entered this challenge.
Go to Challenge | 26 teams have entered this challenge.
Go to Challenge | 19 teams have entered this challenge.
Go to Challenge | 38 teams have entered this challenge.
Go to Challenge | 19 teams have entered this challenge.
Go to Challenge | 22 teams have entered this challenge.
Go to Challenge | 19 teams have entered this challenge.