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Team Name:

Engineering Hacks

Team Members:

Evidence of Work

Project 517

Project Info

Team Name

Engineering Hacks

Team Members

3 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Challenge - Innovative ways to be efficient with water.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

Burea of Meteorology Climate Data

Description of Use Taking the rainfall data that has been recorded on the Burea of Meteorology website for the dams that we are investigating. Data was taken and placed in our own excel spreadsheet to create our own graphs.

Data Set

South East Queensland Water Dam Levels

Description of Use Using the SEQ water website to gather the water levels of the dams that we are investigating. This data was placed into excel to create our own spreadsheets and graphs.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Water – From source to tap.

Ideas to engage upper primary and lower secondary school students (with advantages for community learning) in learning about the water cycle (source to tap). We want them to understand where water comes from (sources), the different types of water (drinking, recycled, classes of water), how and why it is treated (health), how we move it (infrastructure) and how we use it (drinking, cooking, commercially, fires, toilets, sanitation, washing, in the home). The ideas should highlight why water is so important for our survival. Ideas should be fun, interactive and educational. The engagement should be relevant to the Australian School Curriculum, adaptable to water organisations and schools around Australia and sustainable.

Go to Challenge | 19 teams have entered this challenge.

🌟 Community open data weather monitoring and alerts system

Develop a digital solution, underpinned by IoT (Internet of Things) data, which is capable of early detection and alerting for weather and climate related risks to the community.

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.

🌟 Communicating Water issues to regularly new residents in Alice Springs

Educating new residents to Alice Springs about current and historical community water initiatives.

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.

Innovative ways to be efficient with water

Innovative ideas about water efficiency. Climate change means that we will have more unpredictable weather. Some of Australia is in drought and some areas have plenty of water. That changes each year. Water efficiency was a focus around the millennium drought. We want new, innovative and untapped ideas on ways to be efficient with water use. These ideas could include how we use water, how we can save water, how we waste water, how everyone can make a difference in using water wisely, water rules and ideas on saving water for the future.

Go to Challenge | 26 teams have entered this challenge.


How can we protect and preserve our water resources?

Go to Challenge | 22 teams have entered this challenge.