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Project Info

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Team Name


Team Members

Lachlan Etherton

Project Description

H2GO is an interactive and educational challenge designed for young people to develop a greater understanding about water, the hydrologic cycle, its impact on the surrounding ecosystem and the changes they can make in their own lives.

With the effects of global warming ever increasing, resulting in droughts and lengthy dry periods, society is becoming more conscious about their usage of water as supplies continue to dwindle whilst the demand grows. The young people of today will be the adults of tomorrow and will feel the greatest impact of the environmental decisions made by our current leaders. Youth should therefore be educated about water and its appropriate management and usage so that society will use what is our most valuable resource sustainably into the future.

Youth are invited to compete with others at publicly accessible water catchment areas to obtain the most points through quiz and scavenger hunt based activities. Activities may involve racing to checkpoints and completing challenges, whilst exploring the surrounding ecosystem. This results in individuals to develop a greater understanding about where water comes from, the hydrologic cycle, where it is treated and how it ends up in their taps.

The flexibility in the structure of the program means that has the potential to operate as an excursion opportunity for classes or be taken part in by families on weekends at any location which is deemed as a water catchment.

This fun, interactive and educational experience captivates the minds of young people and extends on their current knowledge on water whilst enjoying the outdoors.

Data Story

Data is a foundation for the H2GO challenge. It provides us with the locations of water sources, information regarding community and region usage of water, statistics on water condition and pollution and the location of educational institutions near these areas.

Water usage data provided on a postcode, council and state level can be combined with students’ household usage to provide a better understanding of where and how our precious commodity of water is being used. With this greater knowledge, based on factual evidence, we can better education our youth of today and our leaders of tomorrow on sustainable water practices.

As H2GO is an educational program, identifying schools within areas of above average water usage can be achieved and compared to locations of publicly accessible water catchment areas to most effectively position the program for a particular a client.

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

Water Quality

Description of Use Water quality is a topic student who partake in the H2GO program will develop a greater understanding about. The data presented in this dataset will be integrated into the education material provided as part of this program and allows students to be informed about the water which they are likely to receive out of the taps at their own house.

Data Set

Torrens River Water Quality - Upstream and Downstream from Lake

Description of Use Water quality is a key concept students who participate in the H2GO program should understand. Using this council data provides educational value which may be presented in an oral or written form and allows students living in the local area to see the direct impact of water management on their lives. The use of this data is intended to drive change in the way students interact and manage water in their everyday lives. This is expected to result in reduced water usage over the council district, causing a decrease in the usage of council resources and infrastructure. This will lead to reduced expenditure on the management and operation of the water network, allowing money to be invested in community benefit programs or the local economy.

Data Set

School Zones for South Australian Government High Schools 2018

Description of Use Schools are one of the primary target markets for the H2GO program. By determining the location of schools, a cross comparison between the locations of reservoirs and other water catchments can be completed to identify the most appropriate place for the program to operate for a particular client.

Data Set

NSW Water Quality Salinity

Description of Use This dataset contains content which would be provided with the question worksheet as part of the New South Wales edition of the H2GO challenge. Salinity can be directly tied to the CSIRO pH dataset and support the data presented in it.

Data Set

Reservoir Volumes

Description of Use This dataset is utilised as a quick reference tool for finding the location of reservoirs in Adelaide. This data is compared to the publicly accessible reservoirs documented in the following Department for Environment and Water article: In addition, the volume of the water present in the reservoirs are discussed with students and may feature in the worksheet of the South Australian edition of H2GO.

Data Set

Melbourne water use by postcode

Description of Use Areas with above average water usage with considerations made for average house and land sizes will be considered as priority locations for the H2GO program to be operated within. It is believe the program could be used as a potential tool which can be utilised to educate individuals within these regions on sustainable water usage.

Data Set

NSW Water Quality Data pH

Description of Use This dataset contains content which would be provided with the question worksheet as part of the New South Wales edition of the H2GO challenge. Students in secondary school who take part in the program are likely to develop a greater understanding about pH by understanding and seeing its application in society.

Data Set

NSW Water Quality Temperature

Description of Use This dataset contains content which would be provided with the question worksheet as part of the New South Wales edition of the H2GO challenge.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

🌟 Telling Stories with Open Data

In recent years, data story telling has emerged as a powerful and engaging form of communication. Using any data that you can find on data.vic tell us an interesting story in the form of a feature article or video report.

Go to Challenge | 18 teams have entered this challenge.

Local Government Information Technology Association of South Australia

How might we identify opportunities for improvement or new Council services, infrastructure and facilities to benefit community outcomes in South Australia?

Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.

Thrive or survive: how can we adapt for the future?

What will Australia in 2050 look like?

Go to Challenge | 38 teams have entered this challenge.

Innovative ways to be efficient with water

Innovative ideas about water efficiency. Climate change means that we will have more unpredictable weather. Some of Australia is in drought and some areas have plenty of water. That changes each year. Water efficiency was a focus around the millennium drought. We want new, innovative and untapped ideas on ways to be efficient with water use. These ideas could include how we use water, how we can save water, how we waste water, how everyone can make a difference in using water wisely, water rules and ideas on saving water for the future.

Go to Challenge | 26 teams have entered this challenge.

Water – From source to tap.

Ideas to engage upper primary and lower secondary school students (with advantages for community learning) in learning about the water cycle (source to tap). We want them to understand where water comes from (sources), the different types of water (drinking, recycled, classes of water), how and why it is treated (health), how we move it (infrastructure) and how we use it (drinking, cooking, commercially, fires, toilets, sanitation, washing, in the home). The ideas should highlight why water is so important for our survival. Ideas should be fun, interactive and educational. The engagement should be relevant to the Australian School Curriculum, adaptable to water organisations and schools around Australia and sustainable.

Go to Challenge | 19 teams have entered this challenge.