Entries to Supporting Territory Middle School students towards digital careers

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Project 2380

GovHack 2023 Team: NothernTerritoryKID Project Vision: Innovators Initiative NT NURTURING TOMORROW'S INNOVATORS, TODAY Analysis and Strategic Planning for STEM Advancement in the Northern Territory: In preparing for this talk, I went on a trip that not only revealed the ...

Go to Project | NothernTerritoryKID

Project 2341

Leveraging the blockchain in STEM and middle school students to focus on the digital career.

Go to Project | Team 2341


To combat the highest suicide rate in the world, Yimpinnini (or Sistagirls), Indigenous transgender women on Tiwi Islands, have been kickstarting ecological bush tour for community resilience. Bush knowledge is traditionally gendered by male for hunting and female for gathering, but Yimpinnini ca...

Go to Project | YANGAMINI

Project 2177

By: Sabin Bajgain, Sudip Ghimire, Sanu Guragain Description The territory Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) School Education Strategy 2016-2021 (the territory Strategy) supports a long-term change agenda to ensure that students have a stronger foundation in STEM and are i...

Go to Project | Team 2177

Building Solutions

The project aims to provide an innovative solution to the problem put forward. Using existing shared working space infrastructures, current talent pool and dynamic curriculum we wish to provide a more upto date and hands on learning solution.Being both interactive and future focused will allow fo...

Go to Project | Ripper Digital

Project Northern Star

Current Situation: As per Australian Government Department of Education “The average 15-year-old from remote Australia is around 1.5 years behind metropolitan students in science”. Northern Territory is suffering from similar condition and the lack of qualified teachers/mentors which limi...

Go to Project | Northern Star

Luring Territory Middle School Students Towards Digital Careers

Project Problem: Significant gap between the supply and demand of skilled professionals leading to Shortage of talent worldwide. Aim: Prepare a globally competitive workforce prepared for the challenges of the future. Prevailing Issues in Particular in Remote Areas of Northern terri...

Go to Project | Alpha

Two steps ahead

Centralized Platform to prevent you from online scams Introduction: The digital age has brought countless opportunities and conveniences. However, alongside its benefits, it has also opened doors to an alarming number of vulnerabilities. More and more hackers are trying to scam people out of the...

Go to Project | SafeWeb Innovators

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