Entries to My (re-cycled) Victoria

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myCard is your one-stop solution for managing all your cards by providing you with a virtual wallet that can be accessed using your phone or an NFC card.

Go to Project | Team Rocket

BinChicken - Making Australia Clean Again

## The problem: Over time, Australia has seen waste generation increase, but recycling stagnate. This has significant impacts on the environment - and cost of service. The cost per tonne for kerbside waste handling is twice as high for garbage as it is for recyclables.We have also found in our d...

Go to Project | I adopted a puppy today but I'm still here hacking


Web app incentivising and educating people about recycling with a competitive edge.

Go to Project | #overachievers52

Game of Throwns

# Spring is coming for recycling We have a waste crisis. Only 32% of Victorian household non-garden bin content is recycled, according to Sustainability Victoria. It is everyone's problem: manufacturers and retailers; household consumers; and waste managers. Despite the means to do so much ...

Go to Project | Litter Louts


**Waste management** is a critical problem facing the councils, cities and the entire country. Landfills are getting filled up and there is lot of raising concern about opening up new landfills, especially as China is closing taking up waste. Talk of more *non-biodegradable* waste (like plastics)...

Go to Project | Team MCA

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