Entries to Caring Canberra

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TaxHelpCenter AI

**We used machine learning to calculate the predicted impact of adding a new tax center at any particular postcode.** The impact was measured in terms of the number of tax returns filed and the total, which hopefully allows the ATO to identify the best locations for new Tax Help Centers which...

Go to Project | Tax Enthusiasts

Virtual Emergency Management

<p>Thick black smoke chokes the city, as fire moves in from the West. Emergency vehicles race to the fire front, as residents, schools and businesses prepare to evacuate. As embers begin to fall on the outer suburbs, everyone's next decisions are crucial.</p> <p>Situational awareness is paramo...

Go to Project | Null VRiables

Where the Peeps

Building Wi-Fi usage heatmaps Trying to trace people's movements based on the access points they connect to.

Go to Project | Team 347

Project HackYeah 2018!

Looking to Learn about BigData, OpenData Sets, data visualisation and interpretation.

Go to Project | HackYeah2018!

Care Gov (beta)

Care.gov.au supports young carers to meet their responsibilities and build community whilst telling their story to government and service providers.

Go to Project | Oakton


With our capital cities overflowing, it's time for a mass sea change. Use Reloqtr to set your preferences and be connected to the hottest Australian towns and suburbs in regional areas. Goodbye morning commute!

Go to Project | Team RGB(255,0,0)

Beautiful Infringements

<p>Explosions of colour rip through the night sky, emanating from a single source and branching like lightning during a sultry summer storm. The bright flashes lighting up the sky like a...speed camera? </p> <p> As a rule, art is the use of technical ability and imagination to express the bea...

Go to Project | Null VRiables

Age-Friendly Canberra

Please view our Github page for a comprehensive project profile: https://github.com/ma-al/gh18-p77 - The Age-Friendly Planning Tool maps government data on population projections for the Canberra region and assists users in identifying areas requiring increased support and development, now ...

Go to Project | Project 77


SafeACT is a set and forget mobile application that sends public safety announcements by way of push notifications at perscribed times customised to the individual user. Utilising a number of government data sets focused on historical road and transport data, SafeACT builds queries and returns...

Go to Project | Team Erikgen

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