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neat 👌 SSH 😥💰💻

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Trademark Like Yours

Project Info

neat 👌 SSH 😥💰💻 thumbnail

Team Name

neat 👌 SSH 😥💰💻

Team Members

3 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Unlocking trademark data can help trademarks applicants get the right information, and help the government make informed decisions.
Trademark Like Yours is an information portal that uses TM-Link data, enriched with other ABS datasets, to help find insights into future industries, saturated markets, and trademark law.

Data Story

TM-Link data is looked at the evaluate historic trends and link them to ABS industry profit data. TM-Link data also allows us to view overseas trademark competition and understand the global scale of certain trademarks.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets


Description of Use We visualised growth and decline of trademark filings, for certain industries, between 2008 and 2017.

Data Set

8155.0 - Australian Industry, 2017-18

Description of Use We aggregated industry profit data and created a manual mapping for to a subset of TM-Link Nice codes and industry descriptions. This dataset was then used to show industry profits before tax over time to provide a novel point of reference to compare trademark filing growth and decline to

Data Set

Challenge Entries

TM-Link Data Discovery

TM-Link is a newly available trade mark database developed in collaboration between IP Australia, Swinburne University and Melbourne University. TM-Link includes administrative data from jurisdictions across the world, linked at the application level by advanced neural network algorithms. We are encouraging hackers to explore this new data set and consider what creative visualisations, innovative insights and/or opportunities to further enrich the data they might imagine.

Go to Challenge | 8 teams have entered this challenge.