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Waste waste

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Soft plastic to parthways

Project Info

Team Name

Waste waste

Team Members


Project Description

This is a project to cost effectively use the hard to recycle soft plastic waste to prevent it from ending up in landfills and giving it a second life as pavers and edging blocks.
If the government was to spend to improve the range of recyclable of Non-Recyclable Product Waste this would be one solution.

Data Story

The concept is to take the soft plastic that is often contaminated with food or dirt which makes the recycling of this material very costly. Using this plastic as a binding agent means no cleaning is needed. The plastic heated and mixed with sand, wood chips or other material and then compressed into pavers or edging blocks for pathways. Pretty much like concrete blocks.

Evidence of Work

Team DataSets

g_earth_day_2019._aus_240419_final copy

Description of Use g_earth_day_2019._aus_240419_final copy mentions that the government should spend to improve the range of recyclable of Non-Recyclable Product Waste.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Increased participation in Plastic Free July

People are increasingly aware of the problems with plastics and want to ‘do their bit’ but how do we increase engagement in Plastic Free July? Using data and IT-based solutions, how can we increase both geographical update and reach a wider demographic (particularly more men)?

Go to Challenge | 18 teams have entered this challenge.