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Roots of Moreton

Project Info

Grus thumbnail

Team Name


Team Members

Wenjie Huang , Bokai Zhang and 2 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Problem Space:
Many threatened flora species are at risk due to a lack of public awareness regarding their existence and their ecological significance.

Loss of habitat: One of the major threats to flora is the loss of their natural habitat. When people are unaware of the presence of endangered plants in an area, they may engage in activities such as deforestation, urbanization, or land conversion that destroy the habitats of these species.
Unplanned collection: Endangered plants are often targeted for collection due to their rarity or unique characteristics. However, when people are not aware of the conservation status of these plants, they may engage in unplanned and unsustainable collection practices, leading to further decline in their populations.

Our Aim:
Our primary objective is to heighten social awareness about these endangered flora, underscoring the imperative to conserve both the species and their natural habitats.

1. Conceptual Framework:
In Moreton Bay, we envision a game tailored to safeguard our native flora and fauna, with an emphasis on species under threat. This digital platform offers local inhabitants an engaging medium to acquaint themselves with the diverse plant species endemic to the region. On commencing the game, players are entrusted with a virtual sapling. Each sapling's profile provides insights about its species, native location, age, and other captivating details. The act of planting will also commemorate the tree's "birthday", with players receiving an in-game gift on every subsequent anniversary.

  1. Dynamic Environment:
    The virtual landscape of the game will adapt in real-time, reflecting the current meteorological conditions of Moreton Bay, sourced from local weather databases. As players nurture their tree, they'll be informed about its specific care needs, like optimal humidity levels and watering frequency, available within the tree's profile. This immersive interface seeks to instill a deeper respect and understanding for Moreton Bay's rich biodiversity.

  2. Gamification and Community Engagement:
    To elevate the user experience, we're infusing the game with interactive elements. Players can discover and unlock new tree species by photographing real trees they encounter. This mechanic not only promotes outdoor exploration but serves as an educational tool, enlightening players about the variety of tree species found in Moreton Bay.

  3. Real-world Impact:
    A distinctive feature of the game is its integrated reporting mechanism. If players, while photographing, identify a tree in distress or under threat, they can promptly notify its condition within the game. This information is then channeled to the environmental wing of the Moreton Bay government. As a result, specialized teams can be mobilized to examine and possibly rejuvenate the affected trees. This synergy between the virtual and real worlds amplifies the game's impact, transforming it into a tool for genuine ecological conservation.

Haq, F. (2012). The Critically Endangered Flora and Fauna of District Battagram Pakistan. Advances in life sciences, 2, 118-123.
(2021). Protection of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Advances in Earth and Environmental Science.
Kayombo, B., & Tsheko, R. (2014). Inventory of endangered flora and fauna in Bobirwa and Kgalagadi districts of Botswana.

#sustainability #floraandfauna #climatechange #realtimedata

Data Story

Key Data Points:
Number of endangered flora species in Moreton Bay: Provides a numerical perspective on the scale of the problem.
Threat Levels of Species: Data on the varying levels of threat faced by local species, categorized as "Endangered," "Vulnerable," or "Critically Endangered," can offer nuanced insights.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

threatened flora species

Description of Use Data on the varying levels of threat faced by local species, categorized as "Endangered," "Vulnerable," or "Critically Endangered," can offer nuanced insights.

Data Set

Moreton Bay Regional Council Data Hub

Description of Use By providing a simulated geological environment, users could practice "planting" their virtual trees in different types of soil and terrains, learning about the optimum geological conditions for each species.

Data Set

Weather Impact

Description of Use The integration of real-time climate data educates users on how weather conditions like temperature, humidity, and precipitation can affect plant life. By replicating these conditions in the app, users can learn how to better care for trees in their actual environment.

Data Set

Redcliffe weather station data from Bureau of Meteorology

Description of Use The integration of real-time climate data educates users on how weather conditions like temperature, humidity, and precipitation can affect plant life. By replicating these conditions in the app, users can learn how to better care for trees in their actual environment.

Data Set

BOM - River Heights

Description of Use By using data on the actual geological conditions of Moreton Bay, the app could help users understand the real-world challenges and considerations of local flora conservation.

Data Set

Queensland Flood Warning Stations

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Moreton Bay being resilient in times of uncertainty (QLD)

How might council be able to utilise our open datasets to assist the community during climate change and significant weather events? We have published datasets that have been built for command centres during adverse weather conditions. What opportunities also exist for these datasets to be used to enable and protect our community during periods of significant weather events?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Moreton Bay greening as we grow (QLD)

How might we harness the power of the everyday citizen to help protect our diverse flora and fauna as we grow our region; creating a diverse and flourishing planet for generations to come?

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.

Best Creative Use of Data in Response to ESG

How can you showcase data in a creative manner to respond to ESG challenges? How can we present and visualise data to stimulate conversation and promote change?

Go to Challenge | 33 teams have entered this challenge.