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Team Name:

Team Hosico Cat

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Evidence of Work


Project Info

Team Hosico Cat thumbnail

Team Name

Team Hosico Cat

Team Members

2 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

This is an effort to identify problems of low participation in Plastic Free July.

Data Story

In Plastic Free July, we would like to solve the problems by Plistoplastic Mobile Application.
We hope that the Plistoplastic can help:
- users to try and sustain their eco-lifestyle.
- make eco-lifestyle more convenient by reducing the gap between green businesses, consumers, and policy makers
- increase the ability of organisation to get green customer behavioral data with better data collection system.
- create a bigger community of eco and zero-waste living.,

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets


Data Set

ASIC - Business Names Dataset

Description of Use Find green businesses

Data Set

Dataset from Plastic Free July

Description of Use Data analysis to find the problem statements

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Increased participation in Plastic Free July

People are increasingly aware of the problems with plastics and want to ‘do their bit’ but how do we increase engagement in Plastic Free July? Using data and IT-based solutions, how can we increase both geographical update and reach a wider demographic (particularly more men)?

Go to Challenge | 18 teams have entered this challenge.