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Our Envrionmental Impact

Project Info

IWasTheOnlyYouth thumbnail

Team Name


Team Members

1 member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

Our Environmental Impact

Our Environmental Impact Logo
A project for Govhack 2018 that analyses the impact we have on the environment using open data to help aid in decision making.

Data Story

Wyndham Tree And Latest Inspection Data is used to monitor the health of trees in the environment to estimate the health of the ecosystem.
The National Pollutant Inventory is used to identify causes of CO2 emissions and pollution.
The Wyndham Solar Energy Production daily dataset is used to monitor the use of solar energy and the CO2 emissions that have been prevented by using solar energy.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Wyndham Solar Energy Production daily

Description of Use Used to monitor the use of solar energy and the CO2 emissions that have been prevented by using solar energy.

Data Set

Wyndham Tree And Latest Inspection Data

Description of Use Used to monitor the health of trees in the environment and estimate the health of the ecosystem.

Data Set

National Pollutant Inventory

Description of Use Used to identify causes of CO2 emissions and pollution.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

More than apps and maps: help government decide with data

How can we combine data to help government make their big and small decisions? Government makes decisions every day—with long term consequences such as the location of a school, or on a small scale such as the rostering of helpdesk staff.

Go to Challenge | 58 teams have entered this challenge.

Growing Wyndham

This challenge aims to develop innovative new ideas to help plan for Wyndham as a growing city. Winning entry will be a best concept/product that is useful for the people of Wyndham.

Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.