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Project Info

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Team Name


Team Members

Lily , Rachael Nguyen , Toby Nguyen

Project Description

Our project involves the development of a mobile application that aims to raise awareness about carbon emissions and promote sustainable transportation choices. The app will allow users to enter and compete in a challenge to generate the least amount of CO2 through their transportation habits. By recognizing and rewarding users who choose public transport or electric vehicles, the app aims to motivate positive behavior changes and contribute to a cleaner environment.

Main Objectives:

Environmental Impact: Our project seeks to directly tackle carbon emissions by encouraging users to adopt eco-friendly transportation options. By competing to minimize CO2 generation, users will actively contribute to reducing their carbon footprint and overall environmental impact.

Public Transport and Electric Vehicle Promotion: The app will highlight the benefits of using public transport and electric vehicles in terms of lower carbon emissions and long-term cost savings. By providing a platform for users to track and compete based on their sustainable choices, the project aims to make these options more appealing and recognized.

Raising Awareness: Your app's messaging will emphasize the link between choosing cheaper, conventional vehicles (such as petrol cars) and their negative impact on the environment and public health. By fostering awareness, you aim to inspire behavior changes that prioritize sustainability and overall well-being.

Personal Pride and Influence: By participating in the competition, users will feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in their role as environmentally conscious individuals. As more people join and share their achievements, a positive ripple effect is expected, encouraging others to adopt similar habits.

Key Benefits:

Environmental Impact: Users' transportation choices will lead to tangible reductions in carbon emissions, contributing to global efforts to combat climate change.

Health and Well-being: Promoting electric vehicles and public transport not only reduces CO2 emissions but also improves air quality, benefiting public health and overall quality of life.

Behavior Change: The competition aspect of the app fosters positive behavior changes, making sustainable transportation choices more appealing and rewarding.

Community Engagement: Users become part of a community working towards a common goal, fostering a sense of unity and collective action.

Your project's focus on recognition, awareness, and positive change aligns well with addressing pressing environmental challenges. By using technology to facilitate behavior change and create a platform for users to engage, you're taking a significant step towards a more sustainable future.

#electrical vehicle co2 emission walk public transport

Data Story

The affordability of oil prices in Australia, along with the relatively low cost of car ownership, has contributed to the widespread ownership of cars among households. In 2022, statistics indicate that the average household possesses 1.8 cars. However, an interesting contrast emerges when comparing the cost of using electric vehicles (EVs) versus petrol cars for transportation.

With the data showing that 1 km of travel in an EV costs $0.04, compared to the $0.14 cost for petrol cars, the financial advantages of adopting EVs become evident. This becomes even more significant considering that Australians cover approximately 15,000 km annually by car. By switching to electric vehicles, individuals could save up to $1,500 per year.

Notably, petrol expenses hold a substantial share in the overall budget of Australian households, accounting for 27% of total expenses. This emphasizes the significant financial impact of petrol costs on individuals and families.

These findings underscore the potential benefits of transitioning to electric vehicles, beyond environmental considerations. The financial advantages, coupled with the positive impact on household budgets and overall economic well-being, highlight the value of promoting and adopting electric vehicles as a sustainable and cost-effective transportation choice.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

How much do we need to use public transport in a month at South Australia?

Description of Use Use to tell people that it will cost very little to use public transport all year

Data Set

How much can EVs save?

Description of Use Use to demonstrate the economic benefits of EVs

Data Set

Record of sales EVs in Australia 2022

Description of Use Use to analyses that in current stage, there are so much petrol car in Australia

Data Set

Benefits of EVs

Description of Use Use as a proof about the benefits we can have when use EVs, and convince people to use EVs to replace petrol car

Data Set

Compare oil price in Australia and other country

Description of Use It use to prove that when comparing oil prices and average income in Australia and Vietnam, we can realise that petrol in Australia is very cheap

Data Set

Compare Australia and Vietnam

Description of Use Data use to prove average income and facilities in Australia are much better than in Vietnam

Data Set

Transport data

Description of Use 1. Vehicle Ownership: The average number of motor vehicles per household is 1.8, indicating that many households own more than one vehicle. This suggests that there might be room for reducing the number of vehicles per household through alternative transportation options. 2. Households Without Vehicles: A significant number of households (673,969) do not have a motor vehicle, particularly among lone households. This segment might be more receptive to alternative transportation options, including public transport. 3. Vehicle Distribution: While 91.3% of households have at least one vehicle, over half (55.1%) have two or more vehicles. This indicates a reliance on personal vehicles and potential for reducing the number of vehicles per household. 4. Car Usage for Commuting: Cars are the most popular mode of transport for commuting, with 52.7% of the Australian workforce driving to work by car only. This highlights the dominance of private vehicles for commuting. Public Transport Usage: The data indicates a decrease in the use of trains as the sole mode of transport for commuting, suggesting that other factors may be influencing transportation choices.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Measuring and reducing carbon emissions from physical infrastructure assets

Build a platform / solution to raise awareness of the importance of decarbonisation and to provide resources to help people and businesses make changes to their lifestyles and practices. By enabling a data-driven, collaborative, and user-friendly platforms for decarbonisation, Australia can accelerate its journey to net zero emissions.

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.

Measuring Emissions – Where should we start? Standardising data for tracking, monitoring, and reporting emissions

Climate change is forcing governments and regulators to enforce stringent norms for businesses to reduce emissions and address environmental risks. There is no standard framework for reporting ESG and climate related risks, leading to non-uniform data. How can this issue be addressed to help organisations better report on their emissions?

Go to Challenge | 13 teams have entered this challenge.

Explore the relationship between vehicle types and the uptake of EVs

The challenge is to analyse vehicle registration data and explore the relationship between vehicle types and the uptake of EVs. Identify and analyse factors that may influence the adoption of electric vehicles.

Go to Challenge | 12 teams have entered this challenge.

Towards a zero emissions and resilient Hobart

Hobart and our region are already experiencing the impacts of climate change. We seek creative and innovative approaches that leverage open data to help the community better understand and communicate climate risk, enable community-wide participation in action and solutions, and accelerate our transition towards a zero emissions and resilient city.

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.