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Learning Together

Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

1 member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

Problem: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on education in NSW. Compared to pre-COVID levels, several metrics have shown a decline compared to pre-COVID levels such as academic performance, student retention, HSC completion and enrolment. These declines are a cause for concern, as they suggest that the students who are most vulnerable to the negative effects of the pandemic are the ones who are being most affected.

The pandemic showed that students who fell behind, stayed behind in educational standards. It also showed that we had a heavy reliance on face-to-face learning that we could not transition away from smoothly. It also exposed how teachers were ill equipped to handle online learning.

We learn that:
We need to foster better connection between students, teachers and parents
We need to focus on already disadvantaged students such as those with special needs and those in lower SES communities who have less access to resources
Key age groups are Stage 3 and Stage 6 as they transition into the next education system eg, highschool or University

Solution: The proposed project will make the NESA website more accessible for students, teachers, and parents by creating a multiplatform interface that can be accessed on different devices. This will allow students to access resources from home, and teachers to collaborate and share materials more easily.

The new website could also include the following:

A translation tool to make the website accessible to students and parents who speak other languages
A accessibility features for students with disabilities
A reporting system so that teachers and parents can provide feedback on the website

Data Story

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Team DataSets

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Challenge Entries

COVID’s lasting impact on education

What impact has COVID had on student educational outcomes (for example retention/enrolment rates, HSC completions and more)? What lessons can we learn to minimise the impact on education for future pandemics?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Exploring National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) Vet Data

What skills, training and qualifications do Australians already have that can support the transition from a fossil fuels-based to a clean energy-based economy? What are the gaps in skills, training and qualifications that may delay this transition, with a particular focus on the Gippsland (Vic), Hunter Valley (NSW), Central Queensland (Qld) and Collie (WA) regions?

Go to Challenge | 3 teams have entered this challenge.