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How Canberra has evolved; showcasing historical imagery

Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

6 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Amidst rapid developments, how do we recollect who we once were, comprehend who we are now, and envision who we shall become in the future? In this project, we are seeking to bridge the gap between past, present and the tapestry of our future. As we embark on a journey to retrace our steps through time, we find ourselves facing an intriguing void in the annals of history – the absence of Canberra’s historical cartographic records before 2004.

In this challenge, a collection of aerial images, spanning the years from 1951 to 1998, revealing the various contours of Canberra’s evolution have been provided to us. Upon closer inspection, it is observed that many of these images exhibit visual congruence suggesting the labour intensiveness of this task if it were for humans to identify the interconnection of the maps. Our team proposes an innovative solution: the integration of cutting-edge computer vision technology through the implementation of OpenStitching’s stitching module. This solution seamlessly “stitch” together the fragments of Canberra’s historical maps together efficiently and accurately.

By putting historical maps of Canberra together, past developments and environmental changes can be better visualised, in addition to that historical maps will also provide insight into demographics and populace transformations. The deliverable of our team is an interactive dashboard that displays the historical maps of Canberra along with changing demographic information, providing a pathway to re-ignite the public's interest into Canberra’s history and dare to dream what the future holds for the nation's capital.

Project content

#history #canberra #maps #computer vision

Data Story

Historical aerial images of the ACT are currently held by ACTmapi. These images uncover the rich history of the Canberra region taking us traveling to different places between 1951 to 1998. But now, how can we stitch these images together to give us a full view of Canberra?

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

ACT Population Projections 2022 -2060

Description of Use PowerBI Dashboard

Data Set

ACT Population Projections 2018 - 2058

Description of Use PowerBI Dashboard

Data Set

Australian Historical Population Statistics

Description of Use Powerbi dashboard

Data Set

Aerial Images of Canberra

Description of Use Image stitching

Data Set

Challenge Entries

How Canberra has evolved; showcasing historical imagery

The ACT Government's ACTmapi visualises important geospatial data on the ACT. As an interactive tool, ACTMapi provides an opportunity to display data sources of Canberra’s: infrastructure, community facilities, and historical information. This challenge asks hackers to ‘stitch’ together historical datasets of aerial imagery prior to 2004 and showcase their importance from environmental to population trends.

Go to Challenge | 3 teams have entered this challenge.

Analysing recycling trends over the last 20 years to predict future recycling behaviour

Conduct analysis to understand and identify trends in recycling practices over the past 20 years. The objective of the challenge is to gain insights from recycling rates, material compositions, geographic variations and other factors influencing recycling behaviour.

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.