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Project Info

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Team Name


Team Members

Daniel , jamie , Jacob , Tom , Brendan

Project Description

The Hazard Map (HAZ-MAP), is a sophisticated interactive mapping tool specifically designed to highlight potential flood-prone areas within the Moreton Bay region. By integrating historical road flood records and data on nearby sandbag pickup zones, the HAZ-MAP provides an accurate visualization of potential flooding scenarios. During periods of intense rainfall or severe weather conditions, residents and local authorities can consult the HAZ-MAP to determine the extent of the risk in specific locations in the Moreton bay region. This tool is valuable for timely evacuations, disaster preparedness, and for ensuring the safety of the community, enabling residents to ascertain whether their property lies within a potential danger zone and where the closest sandbag pickup zones are.

Data Story

In recent years, we've witnessed firsthand the profound and devastating impacts of flooding on communities, infrastructure, and ecosystems. These events have not only disrupted daily life but have also resulted in significant economic losses and, tragically, the loss of lives. Given the escalating frequency and intensity of such extreme weather events, possibly due to changing climate patterns, it's become imperative for accurate, timely, and accessible information on potential severe weather threats to be available. This information aids in preparation, timely response, and recovery, helping to mitigate the adverse effects on the populace and ensuring community resilience.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Moreton Bay high risk flooding areas

Data Set

Moreton Bay high risk flooding roads

Data Set

Moreton Bay sandbag collection points

Data Set

City of Moreton Bay Weather Impacted Road Closures

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Moreton Bay being resilient in times of uncertainty (QLD)

How might council be able to utilise our open datasets to assist the community during climate change and significant weather events? We have published datasets that have been built for command centres during adverse weather conditions. What opportunities also exist for these datasets to be used to enable and protect our community during periods of significant weather events?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.