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Gurumba bigi

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Evidence of Work

Gurumba bigi

Project Info

Gurumba bigi thumbnail

Team Name

Gurumba bigi

Team Members

Reuben and 4 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Our vision is to showcase a small number of aboriginal Queensland languages by providing easily accessible, engaging, and interactive resources.

Data Story

Down through generations, the Aboriginal people's stories, were told orally, but were never written down.

Our Gurumba Bigi initiative is centred around cultural and educational exchanges to showcase and strengthen aboriginal languages from Queensland and Torres Strait Islands.
We launched into this project because approximately 90% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages are endangered. By showcasing these languages, current and future generations might have the opportunity to learn from and connect to these diverse communities and their unique languages.

To facilitate this project, we combined multiple data sources. For instance, we extracted data from the State Library of Queensland via the website. In this data we found words for anatomy, animals, and greetings.
We also collectected data from AUSTLANG database to get the location points of the selected languages. And used free images from Pixabay.

We are addressing two regional challenges
How might we showcase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages?
How might we use Queensland spatial information to find out where languages are from?

Our vision is to showcase a small number of aboriginal Queensland languages by providing easily accessible, engaging, and interactive resources. We created an interactive map where you can see the locations of the respective languages, you can pick an animal and learn the words for it, or you can follow along the song “head, shoulders, knees and toes” in an Indigenous language using the Body section of the website.

To implement the website we used multiple tools, such as Python, Flask, Javascript, CSS, R and PowerBI. It is currently hosted on PythonAnywhere.

We would love to make it even more interactive, by adding additional languages and words. A full 3D model of a person with descriptive anatomy words shown in the model, as well as corresponding sound files for correct pronunciation.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Trove API

Description of Use We used to Trove to find information on Indigenous Agricultural practices.

Data Set

State Library of Queensland - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages word lists

Description of Use We have used this to source the words for our project.

Data Set

AUSTLANG dataset

Description of Use We used this data set to get approximate locations of the languages around Queensland and Torres Strait Island.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Indigenous Languages

How might we showcase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language materials?

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.

Queensland OpenAPI

Create a project using one or more of Queensland's Open-API’s

Go to Challenge | 39 teams have entered this challenge.

Environment and Science Data

How might we use environment and science data to better engage with the community?

Go to Challenge | 19 teams have entered this challenge.

🌟 Unearth references to Indigenous agricultural practises by searching archival records

There is increasing interest in foods that were grown on this continent for millennia, awareness of Aboriginal farming practices, and the history they reveal about Australia pre-colonisation. This challenge is to search Trove for descriptions of land care, cropping, harvesting and food storage, to add to the bank of knowledge of Aboriginal farming.

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.

Spatial Information

How might Queenslanders find out more about where they live?

Go to Challenge | 19 teams have entered this challenge.