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Team Marika

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Evidence of Work

GovCMS Data Visualisation

Project Info

Team Name

Team Marika

Team Members

Dean Nguyen and 4 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Our team (of four first-time GovHackers) is interested in using opensource tools to work with open data. For this challenge we installed Drupal 8 GovCMS on a free cloud hosting site provided by Microsoft Azure. The DVF (Data Visualisation Framework) module was then installed and tested. The team then explored various features and functions of the DVF to represent numerical data in various graphs and displayed them on the website. Feedback and suggestions were then submitted on the website also.

Data Story

We cleaned the original dataset from ( on Occupational Projections, converted into csv format and explored the various graphical options in the Data Visualisation Framework. The size of the dataset is also reduced to a minimum. The aim is not to analyse the data but to explore how numbers are presented using the DVF module.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Sea level change over time

Description of Use We use this dataset for the challenge Australia - Visualise the Numbers.

Data Set

Employment projections for the five years to May 2022

Description of Use We use this dataset for the challenge Australia - Visualise the Numbers.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Bounty: Visualise the Numbers

How can people better view data on GovCMS in visuals?

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.

Urban Heat Challenge

How might we better use this data to communicate the urban heat challenges of Parramatta, and how might we improve on this in Parramatta LGA during summer?

Go to Challenge | 4 teams have entered this challenge.