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Get Charged Up

Project Info

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Team Members

Mostafa , Sinan , Ata and 2 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

As Canberra strives to establish a robust electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure and achieve the target of 180 stations by 2025, a data-driven approach is proposed. This report outlines strategic measures tailored to Canberra's unique landscape, including strategic placement, proximity clustering, data-driven decision-making, and tailored charging solutions. By implementing these strategies, the city can efficiently distribute charging stations, cater to diverse user needs, and accelerate EV adoption.

To address Canberra's evolving EV landscape, this report presents a comprehensive strategy for the distribution of EV charging stations. By analysing population density, commuting patterns, and driving habits, we aim to ensure accessible and strategically located charging facilities that promote the city's sustainable growth of electric vehicles.

Strategic Placement:
Analysing Canberra's layout and driving patterns will provide valuable insights for the placement of charging stations. By identifying areas with a high concentration of EVs and usage, we can prioritize these locations for charging station installation. Additionally, ensuring even distribution across the territory guarantees accessibility for all residents.

Proximity and Clustering:
The concept of charging hubs emerges as a solution to utilize the infrastructure efficiently. By clustering charging stations near community facilities and commonly visited areas, we create convenient options for users while minimizing the need for excessive installations. This approach enhances user experience and encourages the use of electric vehicles.

Data-driven Decision Making:
Leveraging EV registration data and collecting additional insights on charging patterns through surveys or data collection initiatives enables us to make informed decisions. Understanding preferred charging times, duration, and frequency of visits assists in identifying ideal locations for different types of charging stations. This data-driven approach optimizes resource allocation.

Tailored Charging Solutions:
Customizing charging solutions is essential to cater to diverse needs. Installing a mix of fast and slow chargers strategically meets the requirements of various users. Fast chargers along highways ease intercity travel, while slow chargers in residential areas accommodate residents, renters, and tourists.

Incentive Programs:
To foster greater EV adoption, a range of incentive programs can be introduced. From discounted charging rates and loyalty programs to rewards for frequent users, these initiatives encourage EV owners to embrace charging stations and build loyalty. The result is a win-win scenario that benefits both users and the government.

In response to recent advancements in the electric vehicle (EV) industry and the growing need for a sustainable transportation ecosystem, our data science team has conducted a comprehensive study that challenges the conventional belief that more data is better. The findings of this study have led to the development of a novel solution - a web platform and mobile application aimed at revolutionizing EV charging infrastructure, optimizing resource allocation, and providing crucial insights for informed decision-making by the government.

The conventional wisdom in data science has often emphasized the importance of large datasets for accurate predictions and decision-making. However, our research challenges this notion by demonstrating that targeted and meaningful data can yield more actionable insights than sheer volume. As such, we present a comprehensive report outlining the potential benefits of a carefully curated dataset for the advancement of electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

Solution Overview:
To address the gaps in existing EV charging infrastructure and provide valuable insights for future planning, we propose a multifaceted solution involving a web platform and a user-friendly mobile application. This system not only aims to optimize the placement of charging stations but also encourages wider EV adoption through user-centric features.

Key Features of the App:
The app serves as a bridge between citizens and the EV charging ecosystem. Users can submit their preferred charging station locations based on their daily routes, workplace, or residential areas. This unique approach promotes inclusivity and encourages a collective effort to design an efficient and accessible charging network.
Strategic Insights for the Government via Webpage:
Screenshot 2023-08-20 at 4 23 19 pm Screenshot 2023-08-20 at 4 28 20 pm

The platform offers two charging modes:
Full-time Charging: Users can reserve a charging station for an extended period, suitable for overnight or extended stays. This mode offers competitive pricing for users who need a consistent and stable charging source.
Part-time Charging: Designed for shorter charging sessions during the day, this mode offers slightly higher prices due to the flexibility it provides.

Discounts for New Users and EV Owners: To incentivize more people to adopt EVs and use the app, special discounts and offers are provided to new app users and EV owners. This can include reduced charging rates for a limited time or additional benefits for loyal users.

Promotion of EV Adoption: New app users and EV owners receive discounts to incentivize EV adoption, aligning with the government's goals. The app contributes to the broader goal of increasing the adoption of electric vehicles. By making charging more accessible and cost-effective, users may be encouraged to switch to electric vehicles, thereby contributing to sustainability efforts.

User-Friendly Interface: The app's interface is designed to be user-friendly, providing clear information about charging station locations, availability, pricing, and discounts. Users can easily navigate through the app and make bookings with minimal hassle.
Benefits and Impact:

The proposed solution brings several tangible benefits:

• Efficient Infrastructure Planning: Accurate data and insights facilitate informed decisions on charging station locations, minimizing underutilized resources.

• User Engagement: The app's user-friendly features encourage wider EV adoption, contributing to a greener transportation landscape.

• Sustainable Growth: With accurate predictions, the government can plan for future charging demand and adapt accordingly.

• Cost Optimization: Precise charging station radius calculations aid in infrastructure deployment, leading to cost-effective solutions.

Our data-driven solution challenges the notion that more data is always better. By leveraging a targeted dataset, we can optimize EV charging infrastructure, promote EV adoption, and provide the government with informed insights for future planning. This marks a significant step towards creating a sustainable and efficient electric vehicle ecosystem that benefits both users and the government.

#ev #tesla #act #charging stations

Data Story

Government Webpage:

Data Collection:
The integration of this app with our web platform presents an array of opportunities for the government to collect valuable data, enabling better-informed decision-making. This data encompasses a range of critical parameters, including:

Usage Duration: The app records the amount of time spent at each charging station, allowing the government to understand the average charging duration and tailor services accordingly.

Utilization Rate: By tracking usage patterns, such as hours of operation and frequency of charging sessions, we can determine the popularity of specific charging spots. This insight aids in optimizing resource allocation.

EV registration data: The platform captures EV registration data, allowing for accurate tracking of the EV market's growth and trends. This information facilitates the tracking of specific charging activities associated with each EV, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of user behaviour.

Power Grid Load: Real-time information on power grid loads is seamlessly integrated into the web platform. This data informs the government's strategy for evenly distributing EV charging locations while mitigating potential grid overload.

Simulation and Planning:
Using the data collected, the system predicts the number of EV charging stations required in various suburbs based on road networks and future EV registration projections.

The exact locations of these stations are refined through user interaction and engagement.

This data will be processed to generate a heatmap, grid map, and simulation map to visualize charging patterns and identify popular charging spots.

Charging Station Radius Calculation:
By leveraging battery capacity estimates, and a wide range of other factors to ensure precision and effectiveness, presented below, we determined the optimal charging station radius to ensure adequate coverage while minimizing infrastructure costs.

• Population Density: Tailoring radius based on local population density guarantees efficient coverage for higher demand areas.

• EV Numbers: Adapting radius according to EV density ensures adequate charging access for growing user numbers.

• Street Congestion: Considering traffic flow informs radius adjustments for areas with busy streets.

• Grid Allocation (Hotspots): Integrating grid allocation data prevents overloads and optimizes station placement.

• Charger Quantity: Radius calculations are influenced by the number of chargers, enhancing accessibility.

• This comprehensive method optimizes resources, enhances user convenience, sustains the grid, and accommodates future growth.

Mobile Application:

Data Collection for Government: This serves as a valuable tool for the government to collect data on EV charging patterns, popular charging locations, and times when charging demand is highest. This data can be used to optimize infrastructure planning and policy decisions related to electric mobility.

Convenient Charging Access: Users can easily locate and book charging stations through the app. Real-time information about charging station availability, compatibility, and pricing is provided, allowing users to plan their charging sessions effectively.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Electric Vehicles Registration Number

Data Set

Latest ACT Population Projections

Data Set

Total vehicles registered in the ACT

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Charging Electric Vehicles in the ACT

The ACT’s zero-emission vehicle strategy includes several incentives to purchase EVs, as well as a plan to expand the public charging network to 180 charging stations by 2025. To build this network of charging stations, it is important that government understands where the greatest need for chargers is across the territory. How can this be measured, and how can we assess the effectiveness of public EV chargers in Canberra?

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.