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Death Clock

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Evidence of Work

Everyday Active

Project Info

Death Clock thumbnail

Team Name

Death Clock

Team Members

Simon of Jackson and 3 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description


We live in congested cities and can struggle to find the time to keep ourselves healthy. Why can't a little exercise be a normal part of our everyday lives?


Commuting by car is both sedentary and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Research has also shown that sedentary commutes contribute to stress, high BMI and even cases of influenza. A little exercise by cycling on your daily commute on the other hand has positive impacts for both your mental and physical health.

Get Active

Everyday Active is our mobile application to encourage commuters to take a bike ride instead of a car, The Everyday Active App will make it more appealing for people to get out and active. It suggests interesting alternative routes from the easiest and shortest through to the fastest or more difficult pathways to take. The app will also display bike hire and parking outlets.

Be Social

If you want to grab a coffee on your way the app can display various places of interest for you to stop into and for weekend rides with friends, you can select from popular social routes.

Challenge Yourself

By providing interesting alternative routes we will reduce car parking demands and assist everyday Australians to increase regular exercise in their routines. We want to make it easy and fun to stay fit and healthy.

Our Aim

By making it easier to cycle, we will reduce car parking demands and assist everyday Australians to incorporate more regular exercise into their daily routines. We want to make it easy and fun to stay healthy and fit for both new and existing riders.

Data Story

Our team utilised the City of Darwin shared paths geojson data, along with SpinWays Bicycle Hire locations, and newly acquired bicycle parking locations that have been open sourced through the OpenStreetMaps platform.

OpenStreetMaps was used to display all of the data and lookup addresses. The Open Source Routing Machine service was used to calculate point-to-point routes. OSM also provides point data such as elevation that can be used to determine the difficulty of a route. As we are utilising a development-only API, if we exceed our API request quota, we display a locally cached default route.

The AIHW Australian Health Survey of Physical Activity was used to compare a users activity with the average activity of the broader population. This provides a positive benchmark to congratulate users following a ride, and interesting statistics to use in push notifications to get our users back on their bikes.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

ABS - Australian Health Survey: Physical Activity, 2011-12

Description of Use The AIHW Australian Health Survey of Physical Activity was used to compare a users activity with the average activity of the broader population. This provides a positive benchmark to congratulate users following a ride, and interesting statistics to use in push notifications to get our users back on their bikes.

Data Set

SpinWays Bicycle Hire locations

Description of Use SpinWay Bicycle Hire Locations were scraped from the SpinWay website.


Description of Use OpenStreetMaps was used to display all of the data and lookup addresses. The Open Source Routing Machine service was used to calculate point-to-point routes. OSM also provides point data such as elevation that can be used to determine the difficulty of a route.

Data Set

City of Darwin - Shared Paths

Description of Use Our team utilised the City of Darwin shared paths geojson data to provide users with suggested riding locations.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Innovating parking in Darwin City

Parking in Darwin city is a hot topic! How do we find the balance between providing parking for workers, visitors and city residents? How can smart data help with parking, or encouraging other, greener modes of transport and access into the city?

Go to Challenge | 3 teams have entered this challenge.

Australians' stories

What meaningful ways can we tell the story about what it's like to be an Australian, and in what ways some Australians live very different lives than others? How can we make people more aware of the issues facing themselves and others as they go through life?

Go to Challenge | 34 teams have entered this challenge.

Healthy Communities Challenge

How might we assist councils to build healthier and stronger communities?

Go to Challenge | 49 teams have entered this challenge.

Connecting the health and fitness community in the CBD

Who needs to get fit? All of us! Darwin has many fitness enthusiasts who use the city and its various parks and equipment to complement their activities. City of Darwin believes technology and innovation can support our community to stay active throughout the year.

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.