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Team Name:

Team 242

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Evidence of Work


Project Info

Team Name

Team 242

Team Members

2 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

E-Thos is a web based application that is designed to help potential/current business owners better understand the population demographics of the area that the business owner(s) intend to operate in. E-Thos takes in a location input from the user and then uses that information to provide a visualisation of competitors nearby. It then outputs to the user statistics and graphs that may help provide more insights with regards to projected population in the district of the given area.

Data Story

Our first aim with this project was to help current and potential business owners increase their prospects. One of the ways we thought about doing this was to use the geographical data from the G-NAF data set and others to help develop more insights on the population demographic that are within an area a small business owner could potentially target. The overall goal in achieving this was to provide the user with the locations of all the industry competitors in the area, as well as provide graphs that help explain population trends (total, by gender, by age group). Another aim that we hoped to achieve with our project and with the data we used was try and help the government understand where opportunities for small business owners could occur, and to help the government further encourage business growth. Our third aim was to encourage academia and government to work together to map out business opportunities, while government can also give academics/students problem statements to solve.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

ACT Estimated resident population by statistical area(SA2 and SA3)

Description of Use The data here is used to provide the user projected population growth for the relevant district over the next 5 years.

Data Set

1270.0.55.001 - Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 1 - Main Structure and Greater Capital City Statistical Areas, July 2016

Description of Use We have used this data set to match the mesh block ID, obtained from the G-NAF data set using latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates, with its corresponding district. The district identified in this data set will be later used to help with visualising population projections by district.

Data Set

PSMA Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF)

Description of Use For our project we have used the G-NAF data set in order to match latitude and longitude coordinates to their corresponding address' mesh block identifier. We then use the address' mesh block identifier to access appropriate records from the ABS to identify their districts, and then proceed to visualise population projections according to district.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

First Hackers

Awarded to the best project from a team of first-time hackers

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.

Bounty: Industry meets Academia

How can we overcome the cultural differences between business and researchers to encourage innovation and collaboration?

Go to Challenge | 12 teams have entered this challenge.

Business Canberra

How do we make it easy for business to start, grow, employ and thrive?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

A New Start

How can we improve the process of starting or growing a business?

Go to Challenge | 21 teams have entered this challenge.