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Project Info

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Project Description

Project Overview:

DiscoverAbility is a digital platform designed to enhance accessibility and inclusivity for individuals with disabilities. This web app serves as a comprehensive directory for accessible venues, events, activities, and communities, making it easier for users with disabilities to discover and engage in various social and recreational opportunities. The platform prioritizes user reviews, accessibility certification, and a virtual assistant to ensure a seamless and user-friendly experience.

Key Features:

  1. Accessible Venue and Event Directory:

The core feature of the application is a well-curated directory of venues, events, and activities that are accessible to people with disabilities.
Each listing includes detailed information about the venue or event, including its location, contact details, and a comprehensive breakdown of accessibility features. This information covers aspects such as wheelchair access, sensory accommodations, ASL interpreters, and more.

  1. User Reviews and Ratings:

Users can share their personal experiences by submitting reviews and ratings for venues and events they have attended.
Reviews should focus on the accessibility aspects, allowing users to gain insights into the suitability of a particular venue or event for their specific needs.
The platform employs a robust moderation system to ensure the quality and authenticity of reviews.

  1. Filtering and Sorting:

The application offers powerful search and filtering options, enabling users to find venues and events based on various criteria:
Location: Filter results by city, region, or proximity.
Disability Type: Customize searches for specific accessibility needs, such as mobility, visual, or auditory impairments.
Accessibility Features: Users can select criteria like wheelchair ramps, accessible restrooms, service animals allowed, and more.
Sorting options allow users to prioritize results by relevance, rating, distance, and date.

  1. Accessibility Certification:

The platform introduces an accessibility certification program for venues and event organizers.
Certification criteria are stringent and cover multiple dimensions of accessibility, including physical infrastructure, staff training, and accommodation services.
Certified venues and events display a prominent badge on their listings, signaling their commitment to accessibility.

  1. Chatbot/Virtual Assistant:

The web app incorporates an AI-driven chatbot or virtual assistant that assists users in finding accessible venues and events.
The chatbot is designed to provide real-time information, answer user queries, and offer personalized recommendations.
It is programmed to be accessible itself, compatible with screen readers and other assistive technologies.

DiscoverAbility is not just a digital tool but a commitment to fostering inclusivity and accessibility, bridging the gap between individuals with disabilities and their communities. It empowers users to make informed choices and facilitates greater participation in social and recreational activities.


Team DataSets

Industry events calendar

Description of Use To show people what is happening in their state.

Data Set

Common Barriers to Participation Experienced by People with Disabilities

Description of Use Research and Vailidity

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Getting out and about in WA... with a disability

How can we use data to uncover what events, local spaces, activities, and communities within WA are available to people with disabilities?

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.