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Team Name:

Fantastic Four

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Evidence of Work


Project Info

Fantastic Four thumbnail

Team Name

Fantastic Four

Team Members

Sekar , Alvin , Sina , Hatef Sadeghi

Project Description

Recent times have seen a remarkable surge in electric vehicle (EV) adoption within the automotive industry. With growing concerns about environmental sustainability and energy efficiency, EVs have emerged as a viable means to reduce carbon emissions and diminish reliance on fossil fuels. This shift toward electrification underscores the urgent necessity for a strategically positioned network of charging stations. These stations serve as vital components in seamlessly integrating EVs into our transportation framework, while also addressing the diverse range of behaviors associated with their acceptance.
For effective assimilation of EVs into our daily routines, it is imperative that charging stations are situated with foresight. The placement of these stations in optimal locations holds the potential to significantly influence user experience and the overall viability of the EV ecosystem. Ideally, these stations should be located in areas satisfying key criteria: accessibility to points generating trips, accessibility to points attracting trips, equitable accessibility for all EV users, acceptance by users with varying behaviors, and minimized costs for system providers.
In line with this, our project formulates a multi-period maximum locating problem using optimization techniques. This aims to pinpoint optimal charging station locations to meet forecasted demand within the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). The provider of the system seeks locations that not only cater to convenient and accessible charging for EV users, especially apartment residents, but also minimize costs. In this vein, a preference is given to slow charging stations over fast charging ones. However, certain facilities that witness longer customer dwell times are identified as potential hosts for slow charging stations, with shopping malls serving as a prime example. As such, the model prioritizes the placement of slow charging stations to optimize accessibility for all EV users.

#census #australia #elective vehicles #canberra #charging stations #accesibility #sustainbaility

Data Story

The following key datasets have been utilised in the design and development of this project:
1- Electric Vehicles Registration Number, provided by Australian Capital Territory Government. Link to data:
2- Total vehicles registered in the ACT, provided by Australian Capital Territory Government. Link to data:
3- Census data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics for identifying the demographic profiles and locations of the Statistical Area 2s. Link to data:
4- Census data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics for identifying the demographic profiles and locations of the Statistical Area 2s. Link to data:
5- OpenStreetMap data for locations of different facilities in ACT. Link to data:

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

Electric Vehicles Registration Number

Description of Use Used to predict number of EV users by the end of the planning period

Data Set

Census data

Description of Use Used to estimate apartment and private house dwellers in each statistical area 2s by the end of 2025.

Data Set

ACT Population Projections

Description of Use Used to estimate population at ACT

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Charging Electric Vehicles in the ACT

The ACT’s zero-emission vehicle strategy includes several incentives to purchase EVs, as well as a plan to expand the public charging network to 180 charging stations by 2025. To build this network of charging stations, it is important that government understands where the greatest need for chargers is across the territory. How can this be measured, and how can we assess the effectiveness of public EV chargers in Canberra?

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.