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Australia @ Sea

Project Info

Team Name

Team Radio

Team Members

5 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

In this project, we researched the issues regarding marine life and how losing coral reefs affects the shores of Australia. The solutions that were thought of including increasing awareness with people of all ages and how they can contribute to saving marine life and coral reefs. The situation is worsening due to the fact that there isn't enough awareness regarding this topic

Data Story

we used carbon dioxide emissions projections, sea level rising and pH level increases in the ocean and its effects


Team DataSets

Climate change and Australian marine and freshwater environments, fishes and fisheries: synthesis and options for adaptation

Description of Use Devastating effects regarding marine life alongside how losing the coral reefs affects our shores. Other than that we used data related to carbon dioxide emissions

Data Set

Losing Our Coral Reefs

Description of Use Impacts of losing the coral reef for both the country and marine life that live in it

Data Set

Marine life and our changing climate

Description of Use used information regarding the current condition the great barrier reef is in and how certain actions have consequences and understand the chain of consequences that follow

Data Set


Description of Use Used in-website tools to project future predictions

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Australia@Sea: what is our future relationship with the ocean environment?

Our oceans are vital to the world’s economy and provide services for all Australians including food security, industries, tourism, and well-being.

Go to Challenge | 17 teams have entered this challenge.