Finding potential donors to support families in need banner image

Finding potential donors to support families in need

Jurisdiction: Australia

How can we identify where families who might have second-hand baby and children's goods to donate live, and estimate the volume of goods that could be donated to families in need through organisations such as Roundabout?

Quantium is Australia’s largest analytics company and a proud partner of Roundabout Canberra. Roundabout Canberra provides safe, high quality essential baby and children’s items to families in need through their network of community and not-for-profit organisations. To support their mission, Roundabout is interested in understanding where they should target their marketing to potential donors.

Submissions could consider using population data from the ABS and considering other indicators such as SEIFA to understand where groups who may be willing to donate are located.

Roundabout is also interested in understanding how increased cost of living pressures might affect both need for services and the availability of donations and will consider submissions on this topic.

Additional Information

Relevant links:
• Roundabout Canberra -

Image credit: Photo by Josh Willink from Pexels.

Eligibility: Eligible submissions will support organisations such as Roundabout to identify where families with items to donate might be, how many items they may have, and/or the impact of cost of living on service demand and/or donations.

Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.

Dataset Highlight

ABS - Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas

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ABS - Census

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